About Us

We are NOT writing a new version of the Holy Bible, our aim is simply to let people know that God exists, and to explain God's message from the Holy Bible using words and illustrations that can be easily understood by today's people.

In short, we want to help people to see the LORD God Almighty in the Real World.

It took about one thousand five hundred years to write the original Holy Bible, and this project of explaining the message of the Holy Bible to today's people has only just begun; so it will take quite a bit of time to complete the work.

There will be many updates as the work progresses; some daily, some weekly even monthly, but we will continue for as long as God gives us His grace to do this work. So please bear with us!

Some people say the Holy Bible is a book that contains many interesting stories, while others say it is a book of myths.

Even some of the people who read it believe only the Old Testament, but not the New Testament; while some other people believe only the New Testament, but not the Old Testament.

And among those who actually believe that God exists, one will find some who like the parts where God is blessing people, but they do not like the parts where God punishes people for doing the wrong things.

However, the one thing that they all agree on is that the Holy Bible is unlike any other book in existence.

We believe that every single word of the Holy Bible makes up a letter, and a guide book from God; the Creator of the Earth, and all the human beings that live on it.

We believe that the Holy Bible was given to us as a helper, and partner to be with us; as we navigate our way through the maliciously concealed [hidden] dangers of planet Earth.

But even more important, is that God uses the Holy Bible to introduce Himself to us, and at the same time He invites us to get to know Him.

After all is said and done, and whether a person believes that God exists or not, there is one thing [one constant] that exits that every human being acknowledges; Time.

By definition, Time has a beginning and an end, and there must be a Time Keeper; as there is no such thing as time that cannot be measured. Time is measurable; thus, if it cannot be measured then it cannot be Time.

So, since human beings acknowledge the existence Time, who is the Time Keeper?

We hope that you will enjoy your visit to Simple Holy Bible; as we do our best to present the Bible's message in a manner that can be easily understood by the human beings of the 21st century.